

Dr. Sherif Awad

Dr Sherif Awad is a Specialist Consultant Laparoscopic (keyhole), Bariatric (weight loss) & Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon. He qualified from the University of St.Andrews (BSc MedSci) and Manchester (MBChB Hons) and undertook his surgical training in Manchester, the East-Midlands and London. 

Dr Sherif is a fellowship-trained surgeon having completed two fellowships in advanced laparoscopic and bariatric surgery. From 2016 to 2021 he led the East-Midlands Bariatric & Metabolic Institute (EMBMI), a regional Centre that provides bariatric services to patients from the East-Midlands. Dr Sherif runs an in-house bariatric fellowship training program (accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons of England) to train other surgeons. He is Trustee of the British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society (BOMSS); the main body that represents bariatric and metabolic surgery in the UK. 

Dr Sherif is an instructor of courses for advanced laparoscopic skills and delivers National and International talks on Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery to other disciplines and GPs. He completed his PhD in the metabolic and cellular effects of carbohydrate-based preconditioning drinks that are used in Enhanced Recovery (ERAS) Protocols. He has co-authored numerous papers (see research) including international guidelines on Enhanced Recovery After Bariatric Surgery. 

Dr Sherif has research expertise on other topics such as perioperative nutrition, enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS), insulin resistance, and the physiological and metabolic effects of bariatric and metabolic surgery. Dr Sherif’s research has been awarded numerous national and international prizes including the prestigious 2010 Moynihan Medal of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI). Dr Sherif is an expert journal reviewer in many journals including the British Journal of Surgery, Clinical Nutrition, and International Journal of Obesity. Dr Sherif is a member of the Association of Upper GI Surgeons (AUGIS), the British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society (BOMSS) and the International Federation for Surgery of Obesity (IFSO).

Sherif’s selected International/National Lectures:

  1. MSD Symposium at Norte da Anestesia 2018, Portugal, Nov 18

    Talk entitled ‘Optimizing Surgery Pathways and Outcomes: How to develop a Center of Excellence; the role of Neuromuscular Blockade and Reversal’.

  2. The 11th Nottingham Endoscopy Masterclass, East-Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, Oct 18

    Metabolic Endoscopy: concept, current trends and future

  3. MSD Symposium at Norte da Anestesia 2018, Portugal, Nov 18
    Talk entitled ‘Optimizing Surgery Pathways and Outcomes: How to develop a Center of Excellence; the role of Neuromuscular Blockade and Reversal’.

  4. 2nd GORE Expert Obesity International meeting, Munich, Sept 18
    Talks on ‘Optimizing Sleeve Gastrectomy Technique’, ‘How to manage sleeve dilatation and weight regain’, and moderated a session on ‘How to extend your practice.

  5. UK Anaesthesia & Surgery Collaborative: Optimizing neuromuscular blockade management to improve surgical outcomes
    Delivered lecture in London, April 2018. Organized, and co-chaired the Birmingham meeting, April 18 and delivered talk on ‘Optimizing bariatric surgery pathways & outcomes – How to develop your Unit into a Centre of Excellence.

  6. Networks in Anaesthesia & Surgery International Meeting, Rome, March 2018
    Delivered lecture on ‘Optimizing bariatric surgery pathways & outcomes – How to develop your Unit into a Centre of Excellence’

  7. Revisional Bariatric Surgery National Symposium (GORE Medical Mastery Series), Birmingham, June 2018
    Organized, chaired the meeting and delivered talk on ‘State of the art and best outcomes for Sleeve Gastrectomy’ at this National Symposium.

  8. Imperial Weight Centre Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Course, London, Nov 2017
    Talk on ERAS in bariatric surgery and improving safety and standardizing care in the Bariatric Unit.

  9. GORE Medical Mastery Series: Revision After Sleeve Gastrectomy, London, Oct 2017
    Delivered lecture entitled ‘State of the art and best outcomes for sleeve gastrectomy’.

  10. British Association of Retinopathy Screening National Annual Conference, Leeds, Sept 2017
    Delivered guest lecture on ‘Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery’.

  11. MSD Optimizing Outcomes in 21st Century NHS, Coventry, Jan 2017
    Talk on ‘Surgical pathways & optimization of patient flow in Bariatric Centres’

  12. South-West BAPEN (British Association of Enteral & Parentral Nutrition) meeting, Newton Abbot, Sept 2015
    Talk on ‘Starvation and stress – the impact on human physiology’

  13. Care National Convention 2015, Coventry, June 2015
    Talk on ‘Laparoscopic humidification and warming of CO2 – the impact on human physiology’.
